Highlights Green Chameleon Blog
ISKO Singapore Events Jan-March 2016

The new chapter of ISKO Singapore has a monthly series of events starting in November 2015:

Patrick Lambe - Planning a KM Portal - November 27th 2015 (materials available)
Maish Nichani - Planning for Enterprise Search - January 15th 2016
Mary Abraham - Unlock Your Social Capital to Influence Change - February 12th 2016
Matt Moore and Leong Mun Kew - Panel on Knowledge Organisation Competencies - March 11th 2016

KM World, Taxonomy Bootcamp and CASRAI Reconnect 2015

Patrick Lambe and Jeff Alexander will be leading a workshop on “Classifying R&D: Why and How Organizations Develop Taxonomies for Research Fields” at the CASRAI Reconnect Conference in Toronto on October 28th 2015.

Patrick Lambe and Edgar Tan will be at KM World and Taxonomy Bootcamp in Washington, DC this coming November, together with Dave Clarke of Synaptica.

Synaptica will also be exhibiting Synaptica enterprise KOS software solutions and the Aithin KM audit software tool, developed by Straits Knowledge Digital, at the Enterprise Solutions Showcase.  Synaptica has won KMWorld’s 100 Companies that Matter in KM award and Trend-Setting Product of the Year award on multiple occasions.  In the March 2015 issue of KM World Magazine Synaptica’s CEO Dave Clarke discusses Linked Data and what success will look like in the knowledge age of tomorrow.

If you are heading to any of these events, look us up!

Upcoming Conferences

Patrick Lambe will be conducting a knowledge audit workshop and keynoting on “KM Implementation Pitfalls” at the Southern African KM Summit 27-29 May 2015. We will be heavily involved as speakers and co-organisers in the “Innovations in Knowledge Organisation” Conference 8-9 June 2015. Patrick will be keynoting on “Knowledge Organisation: Making a Difference” at the ISKO UK biennial conference in London 13-14 July 2015.

RIP Mr Lee Kuan Yew

We offer our condolences to the family of Mr Lee Kuan Yew on his passing today. Straits Knowledge was founded after Mr Lee had stepped down as Prime Minister. However we are keenly aware that who we are, what we do, and the unique opportunities we have had to work and learn and develop in the past thirteen years, would not have been possible without Mr Lee’s extraordinary drive, determination, vision, and his ability to harness the energy of other talented people. Rest in Peace and thank you for your service to Singapore.

IKO Conference Registration Open!

We have a great programme lined up for the “Innovations in Knowledge Organisation” conference June 8-9, and early bird registration is now open!

If you can’t make that one, try another continent! Take a look at other conferences we’ll be workshopping and keynoting at in the next few months - Southern African Knowledge Management Summit 27-29 May, and ISKO UK, 13-14 July.

Conducting Knowledge Audits Workshop in Kuala Lumpur

We’ll be conducting a half day workshop on “Conducting Knowledge Audits” in partnership with the Securities Commission Malaysia, on 19 March 2015, in Kuala Lumpur. Registration is free. More information and registration here.

More highlights