May 13

Organising Around Knowledge

I’m doing a spotlight session at the SLA conference in San Diego next month on “knowledge organisation”. This story from the New Republic - the most inspiring KM story I’ve ever heard – reminded me that it’s often not enough to organise our knowledge – we also have to be prepared to organise around our knowledge – to preserve it and to benefit from it. It’s one thing to build a taxonomy, it’s quite another thing to organise activities and business processes so that different business units can benefit from a common information and knowledge resource.

The group that was behind this extraordinary effort has started a non-profit called T160K – go visit and see how you can help.


Mar 04

New Article on Four Types of Knowledge Risk

We encounter four major forms of knowledge risk in organizations:

•Knowledge continuity risks
•Knowledge acquisition risks
•Knowledge outsourcing risks
•Knowledge articulation risks

To read more about these risks, download the article here

Jan 29

High Stakes Knowledge Management

I had the honour in October of facilitating a keynote dialogue with Nancy Dixon, Gary Klein and Nate Allen, on “KM to Save Lives” at the KM World 2012 Conference. Here’s the video capture of that fascinating conversation.

Dec 13

Auditing Santa

Courtesy of Emerald Publishing for the Christmas period, here is an article from the 2009 volume of the Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal on the challenges of auditing Santa Claus. Seasons greetings to all our friends and colleagues!

For those of you unfamiliar with Australian slang, “eskies” are portable coolers.


Nov 06

Too Busy for Knowledge Sharing

We have started our knowledge sharing initiative a good three years ago with a focus on global knowledge sharing; share your knowledge with everyone around the globe (within our company, though). Today, due to a platform switch, we are allowed to reflect on what we did and look into the future; what would we do differently…


Oct 12

Nancy White and the KM Planning Toolkit

We had a blast with Nancy White around KM Singapore a few weeks back – although we’ve collaborated for years we had never met. Nancy has posted a very nice piece on our KM Planning Toolkit – with video!

Now we want to get together and do some work on the “discipline of doing less”. If we can make the time and find the space to do it!


Oct 02

User Adoption and Valuating Performance

© Synergy Corporate Technologies

In my position to push knowledge sharing and collaboration tools in a global organisation, I am dealing a lot with how can we motivate the people to adopt a new way of working together and the tools we are developing. Some things are very obvious like spreading a message from the leaders to give permission, building up the skills of the employees and introducing super users that can help on the spot.

One thing that I think is often neglected is the performance measurement of change initiatives or in other words, the (e)valuation of the new behaviours. And this is important in two ways.


Sep 13

Attention to Detail

As if she doesn’t have enough to do..


Sep 11

Why Senior Managers Should Care About KM

I had a great time at KM Singapore last week, organised by iKMS. Here is a summary and short video interview after my presentation on the KM lessons to be learnt from the massive failures in the Singapore mass transit rail system (SMRT) in December 2011, along with a link to the presentation slides. The case study is derived from the detailed report of the official Committee of Inquiry into the disruptions, that affected almost a quarter of a million people over three days. Hat tip to Pier Andrea Pirani of Euforic Services for the wonderful social reporting.

More on the conference sessions can be found here – some great sessions from Nancy White, David Weinberger, Janus Boye, Eric Tsui, Aw Siew Hoong, Vincent Ribiere, Ang Hak Seng, among others!


Aug 17

Wolfram, Wolfram, Wherefore Art Thou Wolfram

While checking out the latest iteration of Wolfram Alpha (still much better at entities than concepts) I asked it for information about “knowledge management”. Nuff said.


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