Feb 14

Podcast on KM Implementation in Asia

Naguib Chowdhury over at KM Talk in Malaysia has published a podcast of a conversation we had a couple of weeks ago in Kuala Lumpur about the state of KM adoption and implementation in Asia. The podcast also features colleagues Edgar Tan and Hayati Mansor.

Feb 13

We’re Having a Gathering!

We have a chillout party every year around Chinese New Year to toss Yu Sheng with our clients, friends and partners. This year we have a new office to warm as well (see below the fold for more pictures). So we thought we’d be hospitable and open the invitation to any faithful Green Chameleon blog readers who wanted to drop by and say hello. Drop us a note if you’re coming so we can make sure there’s enough grub to go round {plambe-at-straitsknowledge.com}.

Time: 6.30 pm this Friday 15 February
Place: 19A Keong Saik Road, Singapore (very close to the NE line exit for the Outram Park MRT station).



Feb 13


For afficionados of the TEDTalks videos, here’s an interesting event organised by a bunch of bright spark Singaporean undergraduates and now in its second year – who says that initiative, drive and creativity are dead here?

Recipe: get a bunch of interesting people who are passionate about what they do to speak for 20 minutes on a topic that will challenge the audience, stir in gently with an audience gathered by word of mouth and informal networks, add food and drink from sponsors, and cook in a couple of world cafe sessions during the day. Result? Knowledge souffle!


Feb 13

Talking My Way Out of an Apocalypse (Perhaps)

The last two weeks I guest-blogged over at Cognitive Edge on how we deal with failure in the work we do. I thought I’d present a contents list here for anyone who missed it (shock horror). Thanks to Matt for my blog post title.

Positive deviance

Feb 12

Creating a Scene

Thank you JP! Why do New Yorkers have all the fun? (They make it).

Feb 11

Blogs and Email Again

John Tropea has a really excellent post developing the “blogs can simplify your email problem” theme sparked by Benjamin Greenberg, picked up by Beth Kanter and then me.

I especially like the nitty gritty ground view practicality of his suggestions, including: