Can You Wear This Teeshirt?

For those of you who remember the AOK banning debacle a couple of months ago, a sequel.

Dave Snowden (whose account of the affair is here, here and here) threatened to make a tee shirt about the banning to make a point that dissent can’t be suppressed quite so easily in a connnected world, and that censorship in online forums is just plain silly. (This has nothing to do with Uncle Jerry’s Tees, by the way).

So I had a chat with our (brilliant) resident artist Joseph Tey and we came up with this:


Dave lists himself, Valdis Krebs, Bob Buckman and myself as eligible to wear this tee shirt. Technically I wasn’t banned, I withdrew from the group because I didn’t like the artificiality of a censored forum or the arbitrariness and confusion that stemmed from Jerry constantly shape-shifting between the roles of being a sponsor, moderator, facilitator and contributor. But I might still wear it just to make a point about authenticity of conversation and ownership in communities. Dave Snowden has the high resolution image if you want to be “Banned” too.

1 Comment so far


Hah Hah! That’s funny !
This is the best line - Dave Snowden has the high resolution image if you want to be “Banned” too.

Posted on August 30, 2007 at 02:16 PM | Comment permalink

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