Masterclass on Insight and Story with Gary Klein and Shawn Callahan
I am very excited to be collaborating on a Masterclass with Gary Klein and Shawn Callahan this coming September 5 in Singapore. We will be delivering a new Masterclass on “Releasing Insight in Your Organisation Through the Power of Story” and we’ll be working with some of Gary Klein’s most recent research on insight and its inhibitors in organisations.
We knew this Masterclass would be in high demand, so over the past week we sent personal invitations to people whom we knew were interested in this area to give them an opportunity to pre-register. I’m happy to say the Masterclass is already half full, and we are opening it up to public registration from today. There’s an early bird fee which is just open for this week only! Check out the brochure to help you decide if you can attend. Do also feel free to pass this invitation on to anyone whom you feel would benefit from the Masterclass. If you want to hold a registration at the early bird rate while you get permission, drop me an email at or in a comment to the post below.
You can also register and pay by credit card online (but it’s a touch more expensive than getting us to issue you an invoice, or paying directly by cheque).
Looking forward to September 5!
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