Supporting Communities on the Intranet

From James Robertson this really nice video interview with the intranet team from US architectural firm Perkins Eastman about how they support their distributed practice area communities on their intranet. At 5 minutes it’s short but has some good practical advice including “Don’t under-estimate how much training and support is needed”.

I especially like the way James has cued the key ideas being expressed in subtitles – this might have been done because of traffic noise, but it’s a very good way of helping viewers follow. The video is from Step Two’s inaugural Intranet Innovation Awards (Perkins Eastman were a gold award winner), and there are other videos here.

1 Comment so far

Curtis Conley

Patrick, you’re right about the subtitles being great for highlighting key points, but what’s funny about the traffic noise in the background is that when we filmed I remember thinking that the room was much quieter than normal and we had caught a break…

Posted on January 24, 2008 at 01:30 PM | Comment permalink

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