Terra Australis: Sydney Next Week, Canberra in August
I’m going to be chairing the content management track at KM Australia in Sydney next week, and speaking on the topic of my book on Tuesday evening at the NSW KM Forum.
Next month, I’m keynoting at the IIM National Conference in Canberra, (also leading a taxonomy workshop), and speaking on Virtues and Vices in KM at the actKM Forum meeting on 14 August.
Come and say hello!
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I wanted to thank you for your presentation at the NSW KM Forum and the discussion that followed.
You have done a fantastic job in explaning the various realms of Taxonomy and their relationships and we are all the better for it.
I await to hear when you will be swinging through Brisvegas.
Keep up the good work.
Posted on July 26, 2007 at 09:37 PM | Comment permalink