Too Busy for Knowledge Sharing

We have started our knowledge sharing initiative a good three years ago with a focus on global knowledge sharing; share your knowledge with everyone around the globe (within our company, though). Today, due to a platform switch, we are allowed to reflect on what we did and look into the future; what would we do differently…

We have achieved quite a lot – fifteen percent of our target audience visit our knowledge on a monthly basis. Though, at the same time, I feel our achievements are limited. More often than not, we face barriers. One of this are people saying: “I am too busy for knowledge sharing; I have other priorities”. As a knowledge professional this sounds out of place; knowledge sharing will help you to achieve your goals faster because you can dig into many more solutions, isn’t it? Especially in times of cost cutting and market challenges, knowledge sharing should be vital, no?

My thought is that maybe this “global sharing” is too far fetched for people. Instead of allowing people to reach out and explore sources outside their daily work scope; maybe we could bring the world of knowledge to their desk and into their daily routine. I am thinking about the digital workplace, social collaboration and how we – as knowledge managers – could support our employees to work better and achieve their daily goals. And, at the same time think about global sharing and knit it into people’s work.

What are your thoughts? How can we engage employees for knowledge sharing in times of crisis and recession? Discuss it at the coffee table at KM Asia 12.

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