We’re Having a Gathering!
We have a chillout party every year around Chinese New Year to toss Yu Sheng with our clients, friends and partners. This year we have a new office to warm as well (see below the fold for more pictures). So we thought we’d be hospitable and open the invitation to any faithful Green Chameleon blog readers who wanted to drop by and say hello. Drop us a note if you’re coming so we can make sure there’s enough grub to go round {plambe-at-straitsknowledge.com}.
Time: 6.30 pm this Friday 15 February
Place: 19A Keong Saik Road, Singapore (very close to the NE line exit for the Outram Park MRT station).
3 Comments so far
I somehow can visualize that your office will end up in the converted/renovated old pre-WWII house and I can see that the vibe is nose on. Congrats on your new home! Looks lovely.Lee Henn
- Patrick Lambe
Thanks guys, we’ll remember you as we toss the raw fish!
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Oh yeah. This looks absolutely terrible
. How could you possibly get any work done in such an environement.
I notice a few feng shui elements have been employed.
Congrats on the new digs and enjoy the tossing.
Posted on February 14, 2008 at 02:26 PM | Comment permalink