Nov 07

An Empirical Approach to Taxonomy Development

Last week I presented a session at Taxonomy Bootcamp in Washington DC on “Empirical Approaches to Taxonomy Development” – the session grew out of a realisation that taxonomy developers are often held hostage to multiple (often conflicting) opinions without any evidence base, or are forced to call on experts when this is not appropriate, or simply defend themselves by withdrawing into an opaque process to avoid being interfered with. My session described a rigourous, transparent process based on evidence from users and content bases, testing against realistic scenarios, and consultation on gaps and accuracy, NOT opinion! Here’s the slide deck.


Oct 04

Social Media and a Changing China

Fascinating TED talk on how China is changing and the role social media plays in its evolution.

Oct 04

Knowledge Queen - Interview with a KM Practitioner

The Civil Service College of Singapore has just published an interview with Rosalind Gan, Head of Organisational Excellence at the Singapore Ministry of Manpower. The writer has got Rosalind down pat.

Such interviews are useful as they add a personal touch to the KM profession and foster understanding and fellowship in the community. They are hard to come by, however. It has been a long time wish of mine to see more of such interviews, never mind if I have to pen them myself. So if you are a KM practitioner and would like to be interviewed, do contact me.

Sep 06

Users Demands for Collaboration Tools

We recently asked a number of business users what they require from collaboration tools within the company. The scope reached from communication tools, documents sharing, collaboration in teams, social networking and a personalized portal. The survey should some interesting results I would like to share:


Sep 01

New Thoughtpiece: How and Why do Organisations Suppress Insight and Innovation?

Why do organisations seem to impose frictions on insights and ideas in ways that as individuals we find stupid and bureaucratic? Why do organisations fail to exploit the smarts and common sense of their people? In this paper, written for a Masterclass on Insight and Storytelling with Gary Klein and Shawn Callahan, I explore the idea that social collectives have cognitive behaviours that sit above our individual cognitive awareness, and that have strong and often unperceived influences on how we behave and feel.

Read or download the article here (pdf)

Aug 25

Mindfully priming our own behaviours

Here’s a lovely exercise from Teresa Norton that I think would work extremely well with our Organisation Culture Cards. Thanks to Tony Joyce for the link!

Jul 26

KM Singapore 2011

KM Singapore is an annual conference organised by the Information and Knowledge Management Society (iKMS). This will be its eighth year running. The conference aims to bring together local and regional practitioners to advance understanding and practice of IM and KM.

This year, the conference will be held on 1-2 September 2011, with a masterclass a day before on 31 Aug. There is an early bird discount, which ends on 31 July.

The entire Straits Knowledge team will be there. Will we see you there?

Jul 25

Masterclass on Insight and Story with Gary Klein and Shawn Callahan


I am very excited to be collaborating on a Masterclass with Gary Klein and Shawn Callahan this coming September 5 in Singapore. We will be delivering a new Masterclass on “Releasing Insight in Your Organisation Through the Power of Story” and we’ll be working with some of Gary Klein’s most recent research on insight and its inhibitors in organisations.

We knew this Masterclass would be in high demand, so over the past week we sent personal invitations to people whom we knew were interested in this area to give them an opportunity to pre-register. I’m happy to say the Masterclass is already half full, and we are opening it up to public registration from today. There’s an early bird fee which is just open for this week only! Check out the brochure to help you decide if you can attend. Do also feel free to pass this invitation on to anyone whom you feel would benefit from the Masterclass. If you want to hold a registration at the early bird rate while you get permission, drop me an email at or in a comment to the post below.

You can also register and pay by credit card online (but it’s a touch more expensive than getting us to issue you an invoice, or paying directly by cheque).

Looking forward to September 5!

Jul 20

Manager’s Guidebook to Intranet Redesign Projects

Good friend and colleague Maish Nichani has just released a 64 page Manager’s Guidebook on Intranet Redesign Projects – and it’s for free under a Creative Commons license! Anybody who’s worked with Maish will know what to expect here: smart, simple and extremely practical advice, born out of a wealth of experience.

Jul 14

Social Media Monitoring

We (iKMS) just concluded an evening learning event. The topic was Social Media Monitoring. I had proposed the topic because it had been grabbing the headlines of late. From the overthrowing of political regimes in North Africa and the Middle East to the overturning of an embarrassing song that would otherwise have been part of Singapore’s national day celebration, social media has played an unequivocal role. It is a force to be ignored at one’s own peril, and I dare say that considerable efforts have been channeled into understanding if not harnessing its power.


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