Mar 15

The Landscape of Hopes and Fears

Cognitive Edge is doing an interesting crowd sourcing experiment right now using their Sensemaker software. You’re invited to contribute your hopes and fears related to public service provision in the future, and tag those hopes and fears yourself. It’s a global experiment, so as the experiment progresses, we’ll be able to see how diverse or consistent the landscape of the future appears to be to us. Join in here!

Mar 15

Awards Awards

Just a quick plug for two sets of awards (one I’m involved in, and one we support). The iKMS KM Excellence Awards are designed to recognise KM efforts in Singapore, based on self nomination and a careful review by a panel of international experts. iKMS has recognised seven organisations for their KM initiatives over the past two years but nobody has yet achieved a gold – make this the first year for gold! Entries close on 31st March. For more information and the briefing sheet containing the submission template visit the iKMS website.

The StepTwo Designs Intranet Innovation Awards is an award we have supported since its inception. I like this award because it’s designed to capture good intranet ideas that lead to some business value – ie it’s not a benchmarking award that assumes all intranets have to strive for some common standard. And the case studies it produces every year are indeed impressive. These awards are completely international and got recognition at KM World last year. You have a little more time for this closing date: April 23rd.

Go on, get recognised. You know you want to be. It does so much good for everybody’s morale.


Mar 11

Call for Case Presenters: Asia Pacific Business Narrative Conference 2010

Shawn Callahan and I are helping to organise an inaugural “Business Narrative” conference within the International Storytelling Festival in Singapore September 6-8 2010. This is going to be a very practitioner oriented conference looking at approaches and techniques that bring value to the organisation. We’re now launching our first call for case studies to be shared at the conference from the Asia Pacific region (details below). I do hope you’ll pass this post on if you think you know somebody who’ll be interested. Shawn and I will both be happy to answer any questions you have.

Call for Case Studies: Origins – Asia Pacific Business Narrative Conference Sept 6-8 2010 Singapore

In early 2009 we (Shawn Callahan and I) wanted to see if we could put together a conference on storytelling for business. Our concept was for a very practical, workshop-focused conference, designed to help Asia Pacific business people apply story approaches to boost business performance. But we weren’t sure if anyone would come!

So we organised a two-day masterclass on business narrative as part of The Singapore International Storytelling Festival, and the festival did a wonderful job in telling people about the event. We waited anxiously to see if anyone would register. Did Asia Pacific organisations really value storytelling as a legitimate and effective business technique? I called Shawn in Melbourne a couple of weeks after we announced the event: registrations were coming in fast. We were booked out months in advance.

This year we want to build on that success and focus on the many story practitioners in our region to create an event where we can learn from each other while also expanding the awareness of narrative approaches among the region’s organisations. We’re looking for proposals for case study presentations from within the Asia Pacific region to share what you have done and what you have learned.

The conference has three objectives