Oct 31

A Word from the Wise

I was sorry to have missed the actKM conference this year, but thanks to Matt Moore, we have some of the sounds from that venerable affair (they had a capuccino machine!).

Matt asked Mark, David, Arthur, Graham, Keith and Cory for their words of advice to new knowledge managers and kindly created a podcast. Here are the highlights:

Oct 30

Matt and Dave

Matt Moore and Dave Snowden have been having a scrap (read the comments) about politeness. It just seems a little incongruous. Neither eminence is well known for being troubled by such petty interferences with direct, startling and insightful expression.

So assuming it isn’t some elaborately staged (or improvised) joke here you have two people who have a very high regard for each other rubbing each other up in entirely the wrong way, and in consequence the original question for discussion posed by Matt (some sweeping advice by Dave Snowden at the actKM conference about what knowledge managers should focus on) gets entirely lost in the sound and the fury that ensues. Clearly, if it isn’t a joke, recourse to “politeness” among people who are naturally provocative is a proxy for “I’m feeling prickly today”.

I happen to think Matt asked a great question, one that many knowledge managers probably ask in their own heads but don’t dare speak out. It’s asking for some detailed examples that would help knowledge managers follow the advice. But it was posed provocatively and the hackles have been raised. Politeness is in the air. The intent of the question is lost.

Oh well. Sometimes it is just a bad hair day, and despite everyone’s best efforts, you’re not going to fix a disagreement or get to explore what you wanted to. I have found that forgetfulness is a great friend in such circumstances.

I wondered about blogging this. And I thought actually this happens all the time in KM and we never acknowledge it. Sometimes people just rub each other up the wrong way, or understand things in ways we never intended, and things don’t go rationally. Sometimes you’ve just got to go home, watch a mindless movie, reset your brain and start again the next day as if nothing ever happened.

Politeness, though… that’s a really good one.

Oct 28

On Travelling with KM Method Cards

For those of you who plan to travel by air with our KM Method Cards (who wouldn’t?) you might want to think twice about packing them like this:


Oct 27

On Not Fitting In

imageWhen I was in Columbus for the iCKM conference last week, I went to see a doctor. I had been traveling for almost a week with a bad sinus problem that had started relatively benignly in Singapore and then worsened rapidly as I travelled.

For those of you who’ve had it, sinusitis + air travel = exploding head every time you make a descent. And I had been making a lot of descents. The other interesting effect was that it appeared to send jetlag effects into hyperdrive. So for the curious the formula looks something like this:

Sinusitis + airtravel = (Exploding head x # descents) + (jetlag effects x # hours time difference)2

I wasn’t keen to repeat the experience on the journey back to Singapore. The hotel suggested the nearby public hospital, but the only way to get attention as a walk-in patient was to go to Emergency and I couldn’t in conscience warrant that. The hospital suggested an “urgent care” centre at a local health centre, which does take walk-ins. So I walked in.


Oct 25

Professionalism in Knowledge Management

Yesterday I keynoted at iCKM in Columbus Ohio on “Accountability, Professionalism and Performance in Knowledge Management”. I drew a fairly bleak conclusion on all three elements as they are inextricably linked: