Aug 19

UK Workshops in November

We’re taking our Knowledge Audit and Taxonomy Development workshops to the UK in November! Details below. There’s an early bird discount for registrations received by 15 September, and further discounts if you belong to a professional IM/KM association or community – drop us an email ( to find out more.

Just to make sure we keep both ends of the globe covered, we’re also exploring running the same workshops in Canberra in October – more news as we get it.

Workshop 1: Taxonomy Development
Venue: Birmingham, UK
Dates: 19-20 November 2013 (2 days)
Price: GBP845 (Early Bird till 15 Sept)
Price: GBP895 (Normal price after 15 Sept)
More details:

Workshop 2: Knowledge Audit
Venue: Birmingham, UK
Dates: Nov 21-22, 2013 (1.5 days)
Price: GBP640 (Early Bird till Sept 15)
Price: GBP675 (Normal price after Sept 15)
More details:


Aug 16

Breaking the Curse of Automagical Search

Our friend Maish Nichani has done it again with this elegantly stated piece on breaking the curse of “automagical” search. It contains my quote of the week: “When thinking about search, it is better to think of ROI not as return-on-investment but return-on-information.”

The piece reminded me of a video podcast Matt Moore and I did a while back on “taxonomy fairy tales” – since then, Google (one of our targets) has come out of the taxonomy closet – however much of what we said then remains true. Maish’s piece does a nice job of pointing to the practical steps to get beyond the curse of magical thinking among executives.


Aug 15

Knowledge, Story, Insight

Back in September 2011 we organised a workshop in Singapore on the relationship between Insight and Storytelling, with luminaries Gary Klein and Shawn Callahan. Gary’s new book on Insight has just come out (a riveting read, and incorporating material from the workshop) and Shawn has just done a nice blog post on the workshop with some of the graphic recordings done by the wonderful Wendy Wong. Don’t miss Shawn’s upcoming Storytelling for Leaders workshop in Singapore.


Jul 02

New Overseer for the National Archives of Singapore

With this Bill, the National Archives of Singapore is now officially transferred from the National Heritage Board (NHB) to the National Library Board (NLB). I’ll be waiting to see what new energy this new arrangement will bring.

May 29

Arshad Ahmed - Knowledge Retention Strategies

From our Knowledge Retention Roundtable last week, a short summary of top tips from Arshad Ahmed.

Download the MP4 video file by right clicking here
Go to the show page on vimeo by clicking here

May 29

Shaharudin Mohd Ishak - Knowledge Knowledge Retention Strategies

From our Knowledge Retention Roundtable last week, a short summary of top tips from Shaharudin Mohd Ishak.

Download the MP4 file by right clicking here
Go to the show page on vimeo by clicking here

May 27

Carla Newman - Knowledge Retention Strategies

From our Knowledge Retention Roundtable last week, a short summary of top tips from Carla Sapsford Newman.

Download the MP4 video file by right clicking here
Go to the show page on vimeo by clicking here

May 22

Knowledge Retention Roundtable and Knowledge Risks


We had a great afternoon yesterday with Shaharudin Mohd Ishak from IE Singapore, Arshad Ahmed a KM practitioner from the UK and Carla Newman from Kuala Lumpur on practical knowledge retention strategies. We had a good discussion with over twenty participants from different organisations in Singapore. We recorded some short video podcasts from the event which we’ll post shortly.

Meanwhile, the Institute for Knowledge and Innovation Southeast Asia (Bangkok University) has just published the latest edition of its iKnow Magazine with some excellent articles on knowledge risks and how to address them (disclaimer: I wrote one of the less excellent ones).

May 15

Article on Metadata Collection Strategies

The challenge in information environments is to get complete, accurate and consistent metadata applied to information and data resources. In this article co-authored with Maish Nichani we share strategies to collect metadata that lower the reliance on people in supplying metadata. We cannot completely remove people from the equation but we can prevent them from doing additional work, and focus the role of people on the value added metadata that machines and environment cannot automatically supply. View the article at PebbleRoad here. Download as a pdf here.

May 13

Intranet Innovation Awards 2013

The Intranet Innovation Awards for 2013 are open for submissions! We are proud to be a supporter of these awards which focus on the differences that an intranet can make in the host organisation’s business (as distinct from benchmarking awards).

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