Taxonomy Cookbook from Dow Jones
Daniela Barbosa , Business Development Manager with Dow Jones Synaptica has just put out a beautifully designed “Taxonomy Folksonomy Cookbook”. It’s easy on the eye and extremely digestible, and does a good job of explaining a variety of ways that taxonomies and folksonomies can be used to complement each other. At 20 pages it’s hard to be much more than a sales pitch for the folksonomy hybrid approach – ie it’s a little short on the how of implementation. But as a sales pitch for taking folksonomies seriously alongside taxonomies, it’s a great resource. As a fun way of presenting a major new development in taxonomy work, brilliant. (You’ll need to register with Dow Jones to download the ebook).
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Thanks for posting about the ebook Patrick and the kind words! I have been getting great feedback from people who have been wanting to introduce the topic internally to their colleagues and their management team that have already found that this high-level format a great conversation starter which hopefully will then lead them to all the fun parts- the strategic thinking and work to get it done!
thanks again!
Posted on July 18, 2008 at 11:22 PM | Comment permalink