Straits Knowledge Training

Over the past 19 years, Straits Knowledge has been teaching KM frameworks, techniques and methodologies but typically in the context of in-house consulting engagements.

From 2008 onwards, we have been making these workshops publicly available along with our published performance support tools, as we see the increasing need for KM practitioners to be able to exercise these methodologies themselves – or even cascade them to colleagues – within their own organisation.

Our workshops are highly practical, the content refined through years of actual implementation experience. You can see our generic workshops in the menu on the left hand side. In 2022 we will be running the following workshops/masterclasses. These programmes are highly interactive and applied, and we encourage you to attend with one or more colleagues so you can apply the learning to your own organisation in the sessions:

Knowledge Audits for KM Planning (10-14 January, 17 February 2022)

Taxonomy and Search for SharePoint (21 March – 1 April 2022; details to come)

We also conduct customised inhouse programmes for knowledge management teams and KM Champions. To get more detailed information about the workshops please call us at +65 62210383.